Bookmarks - Deep Learning


Yann LeCun's Home Page
Yann LeCun's Research and Contributions
"CBLL, Research Projects, Computational and Biological Learning Lab, Courant Institute, NYU"
MNIST Demos on Yann LeCun's website
Facebook AI Research (FAIR) – Facebook Research
People – Facebook Research
ConvNetJS MNIST demo
ConvNetJS: Deep Learning in your browser
SRV-1Q - Navegação Visual Autônoma - LRM USP - YouTube
Vision based Autonomous Navigation - Electrical Vehicle - 001 - YouTube
SharkTime Software - Software
SharkTime Software - Sharky Neural Network - Classification neural network in action
Amazon Mechanical Turk - Welcome
A Neural Network Playground
Installing TensorFlow  |  TensorFlow
Getting Started  |  TensorFlow
MNIST For ML Beginners  |  TensorFlow
Image Recognition  |  TensorFlow
How to Retrain Inception's Final Layer for New Categories  |  TensorFlow
GitHub - tensorflow/tensorflow: Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning
GitHub - tensorflow/models: Models built with TensorFlow