Bookmarks - Deep Learning
- Yann LeCun's Home Page
- Yann LeCun's Research and Contributions
- "CBLL, Research Projects, Computational and Biological Learning Lab, Courant Institute, NYU"
- MNIST Demos on Yann LeCun's website
- Facebook AI Research (FAIR) – Facebook Research
- People – Facebook Research
- ConvNetJS MNIST demo
- ConvNetJS: Deep Learning in your browser
- SRV-1Q - Navegação Visual Autônoma - LRM USP - YouTube
- Vision based Autonomous Navigation - Electrical Vehicle - 001 - YouTube
- SharkTime Software - Software
- SharkTime Software - Sharky Neural Network - Classification neural network in action
- ImageNet
- Amazon Mechanical Turk - Welcome
- A Neural Network Playground
- TensorFlow
- Installing TensorFlow | TensorFlow
- Getting Started | TensorFlow
- MNIST For ML Beginners | TensorFlow
- Image Recognition | TensorFlow
- How to Retrain Inception's Final Layer for New Categories | TensorFlow
- GitHub - tensorflow/tensorflow: Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning
- GitHub - tensorflow/models: Models built with TensorFlow