LegGen System
LEGGEN - Evolve walking robots/creatures using Genetic Algorithms
Videos of the LegGen System simulations:
Experiment 01 - A
Experiment 02 - A
Experiment 02 - B
Experiment 03 - A
Experiment 03 - B
Experiment 04 - A
Experiment 05 - A
Experiment 06 - A
Experiment 07 - A
Experiment 08 - A
Experiment 09 - A
Experiment 10 - A
Experiment 11 - A
Experiment 12 - A
These videos are complementary to LegGen System papers.
- Title: Controle Inteligente do Caminhar de Robôs Móveis Simulados (In Portuguese)
Author: Milton Roberto Heinen
Publication: Master's Thesis - UNISINOS University, Brazil. February 2007.
- Title: Applying Genetic Algorithms to Control Gait of Physically Based Simulated Robots
Authors: Milton Roberto Heinen e Fernando Santos Osório
Published at IEEE WCCI - CEC 2006, Vancouver Canada.
- Title: Uso de Realidade Virtual para a Simulação do Caminhar
em Robôs Móveis (in portuguese)
Authors: Milton Roberto Heinen e Fernando Santos Osório
Published at SVR 2006 - Symposium of Virtual Reality
Bad: initial training
Good: final training
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Thanks to...
ODE Developers
GALib Developers
Last update: 22/03/2006
Produced by: Milton Heinen