UNISINOS-Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
Applied Computing (PIPCA)
Grupode Pesquisa em Veículos Autônomos (GPVA)
GRAPHIT-Graphics, Vision and Image Processing Group
Grupo de Inteligência Artificial (GIA)
CERMA 2007 - Mexico)
September/2007 - Cuernavaca, Mexico
CERMA - IEEE Computer Society DVP - Invited Speaker
"Research, Design and Implementation of Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles"
PowerPoint Slides(PDF format)
Plenary Talk:
"Autonomous robots: Design and Testing using Virtual Reality and Physical Simulation"
PowerPoint Slides(PDF format)
Prof. Dr. Fernando Osório - Applied Computing / Unisinos [IEEE DVP - Presenter]
Profa. Dra. Soraia Musse - Computer Science / PUC-RS
Prof. Dr. Cláudio Jung - Applied Computing / Unisinos
Prof. M.Sc. Farlei Heinen - Computing Eng. / Unisinos
M.Sc. Milton Roberto Heinen - Ph.D. Student at UFRGS
Prof. Dr. Christian Kelber - Electrical Eng. / Unisinos
Gustavo Pessin - M.Sc. Student at Unisinos
Special thanks to...
Renata Vieira, Daniel Paiva, Sandro Ferreira and Vinícius Nonnemmacher.
Institutions: Unisinos, PUCRS, UFRGS, CNPq, CAPES, FINEP-RBV and Fapergs. Under Construction...
See related links:
IEEE JT & RNR 2007 Talk
SBC - JAI 2005 Talk
Undergraduate Courses:
Information Technology and Computer Science
Game Development
Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Post-Graduate Courses:
Applied Computing (PIPCA)
Created by F.Osório